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12:32 a.m. - 2004-12-14
Shady's back...back again..blah...Ad Nauseam
Funny what Christmas does to people.... The normally nice people get bitchy and the normally bitchy people get nice. At least that has been my experience. Why is that? What are the bitchy people going to gain from being nice for 2 weeks of the year? Do they still believe in Santa and flying reindeer? Think they're going to Heaven?

Dumb-shit crackhead customer: "Hi girlfriend! Your hair is smokin! Wanna fill my prescription for me?

Me: "Santa ain't dropping that winning lotto ticket off at your house on Christmas Eve so maybe you could stop pretending to be human and get the F*(& out of the store!"
"Yeah, I remember when you reported me to the manager because I wouldn't fill your Xan-ax 2 weeks early and I won't be buying this candy ass act you are putting on right now."

Dumb-ass crackhead: "I never liked you anyway...your hair looks like shit."

Me: (nonchalantly) "Why thank you...NEXT!"

Today some woman cut me off at the bank only to select another line that was shorter than the one I attempted to join. Was it worth it? Did you really need to risk my life and my vehicle only to change your mind about where you wanted to go? I mean, I'm real sorry that house fell on your sister but damn. I flipped her off as I pulled out of my lane before she could finish her transaction. Heh-Heh...bitch. Anyway, life has been going pretty good for the nugget lately. I have completed a semester of Radiography and am competent in chest x-rays, hand x-rays, shoulder x-rays and KUB's (kidney, ureters, bladder) so....yay for me. My personal life is great in fact that I think I am getting a ring for Christmas. Can you believe it? Someone might actually want to marry the spawn of Satan! I have been receiving some heavy hints to that fact and I am trying to keep silent until it is confirmed. So far I have been told: "I will have to brown bag lunch for a while after the purchase I made for you." and "The week of Christmas we are going to a very expensive restaurant, you'll want to dress up." Hmmmm, those comments along with "I hope my kids have big green eyes like yours.." seem to make me think I am getting a proposal for Christmas. I think I may have found the one thing I swore never existed; a good man. It's actually nice to be wrong...FOR ONCE. Mark that on your calendars. Nugget was wrong, it won't happen again. I am flat broke at the moment and couldn't care less because I have so many good things going on right now. I have been soooo busy and for once feel like I am actually living. I still enjoy being the cynic though. It's what makes me, ME. What would I be doing if I couldn't piss and moan about the assholes of the world? I'll tell you what...I would be pissin' and moanin' about the assholes of the world. At least now I can vary it with singing the praises of one man who realizes I am all that and a bag of chips. I knew it! I knew it all along! Supa-Star!



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